Tuesday, June 30, 2009

No he is not dead... He is Mr. G!

I subscribe to several blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels. Most of the ones I subscribe to are very nice, but rarely cause excitement. Then there are those that when they do update it is freaking awesome! The other day I experienced one of those updates on YouTube. Enter Mr. G, the host of Do Try This at Home. This YouTube series consists of Mr. G demonstrating fun and easy science projects that anyone can do from home. I have to say I always learn something that I did not know before. While updates where irregular for awhile(wild rumors on the internet said he was dead which he addresses after a long absence), it would seem that Mr. G is back with a second season and is making the attempt to bring us all episodes on a weekly basis. If you are not watching this web show, then start. Also, he has probably the best theme song I have ever heard on internet, plus new 30 second spots that will fit between episodes (with a new cool theme as well). Be sure to watch the bloopers at the end, they are always a good time. Here is one of our favorite episodes at The Unicellular Blog.

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